Partnership At Ridge Church

What Is Partnership?

We believe every Christian should belong to a local church and be a partner of that church. This includes serving, giving, and participating in biblical community.

Partnership at Ridge Church is a commitment to live out our identity and calling as believers as part of a community in the local church. It is both an invitation and a commitment to fully pursue Jesus and the abundant life He promises to us together, for our city and beyond. 

Why Partnership?

Partners are the saints of God who do the work of ministry, and partnership is a commitment to missional living with the local body of believers. We call these men and women “partners” rather than “members,” because we think that word more clearly describes the heart of the New Testament (Ephesians 4:11–14). We call our partners to a higher level of accountability, service and sacrifice than attenders. We ask a lot of our partners, because we believe that God is using them, and our church, to do amazing things for His Kingdom in our city.

How Do I Become A Partner?

We offer a Partnership class several times a year. To be a partner, we ask that you at least be 16 years of age. To attend a Partnership class, simply register for our next offered class time.