Discipleship for the local church

What is The Ridge Church institute?

At The Ridge Church Institute, we believe that discipleship is best nurtured within the local church community. Our mission is to make the Bible and theology accessible to all, offering transformative learning experiences that deepen faith and understanding.

Learn God's Word

To truly understand who God is, one must dive into the Bible and explore His character, His nature and how through Jesus, he has reconciled the world to himself. 


Shaped by God's word

As we learn God's word, we are then shaped by God's word and biblical doctrines. Those doctrines then shape and inform how we believe.

Apply God's Word

Through classes, seminars and labs, we learn how to live out and apply God's word where we live, work and play. 

TRCI upcoming schedule

September 28th | 8am - 12pm

Spiritual Warfare Seminar

Learn more on how to prepare ourselves for the spiritual battle against life's demonizing influences

**Refreshments and notepads will be provided**

Text Dan at 724-710-0942 to RSVP

Contact Us

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.